Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The library mainly taught me one thing on Monday: I'm an awful researcher. The BYU library offers so many services that I quite honestly had no idea about. Often, as I go through google, I end up frustrated as I can find only Wikipedia articles. The databases that BYU library provides give academic article after academic article. This will make papers MUCH more credible. Plus, the library chat function always seemed like a gimmick, but after yesterday it seems like a function that could help quite a bit. The Opposing Viewpoints website seems like it will be the most helpful, considering it deals with extremely kairotical issues.

I do, however, have concerns about my topic. Because the topic of SOPA is fairly recent, I find that scholarly articles and other credible sources are hard to come by. I'm confused as to how I can find credible sources for such a kairotical issue. Overall though, the library was very informative and I find that future research papers will be much less stressful.


  1. I think everyone has a hard time researching. The lesson on Monday definitely did help though!

  2. I always get frustrated with wiki as well. And the chat function in wonderful! I'm lad you got so much out of our time in the library.

  3. Hahaha.... this cracked me up.
    Seeing as how SOPA is a legal issue, I feel like there probably is a lot of government documents/articles that talk about it. But, I don't know...

  4. I agree.. I had no idea the the library had all these tools online for us to use! Now i know where to find them and be able to research better

  5. Yeah my topic is very recent too so it will be hard to find books or scholarly journals. I also agree with you because I had no idea that the library had all that stuff on its website.
